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Размер: 10.88 MB - Добавлено: 12.06.2010, 13:01 - Загрузок: 395 - Загрузил tripledesu (п)


A map for the gamemode Trouble in Terrorist town that takes place in an abandoned flooded section of a coastal city. This map is very good for sniping. The water is harmless as long as you do not drown yourself in it. There are many completely flooded parts of the map that are not visible unless you go looking underwater.

There are 7 buildings that you can enter and even a few more that you can climb to the roof of. There are also a few rafts/boats docked at some of the buildings. These are optional but can be driven using the magneto-stick push.

Map created by me, Citizen_001.

Requires CS:S (Which the gamemode itself requires also)

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#1 Сергей [ tripledesu(12.06.2010 15:08) [Материал]
Надо подумать над этим. Просто два русских сервера пиратских ттт уже есть.

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