Установка: Поместите в garrysmod/garrysmod/lua/autorun/ Консольные установки: This offers a few simple cvars to configure the script: wr_enabled (default 1) Enables or disables the weapon restricter, 1 to enable wr_sandboxonly (default 1) Makes it so the settings on take effect on the sandbox gamemode, set to 0 to make it work with all gamemodes wr_mode (default 0) Set this to 0 to use a white, 1 for a black list, the black/white list is defined by wr_weapons wr_disablepickup (default 1) Disable players from picking up weapons on the floor, so they can't kill npcs with props and then steal the weapons wr_weapons (default weapon_physgun;weapon_physcannon;gmod_tool;gmod_camera) The list of weapons allowed/disallowed (see wr_mode), seperated by semi-colon (;) wr_ignoreusergroups (default superadmin;admin) Usergroups not affected by the script Ченжлог v1.1 *Notification popups for blocked weapons *Removed listen server host fake usergroup, it wasn't needed! |