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LightSpheres V1.1

Размер: 11.13 KB - Добавлено: 04.06.2010, 09:26 - Загрузок: 324 - Загрузил tripledesu (п)

LightSpheres V1.1

LightSpheres V1.1 made by Dlaor What are these mysterious entities, you ask? Well, these things are LightSpheres: they forge a magical field of light around them, using lots of beautiful light sources which orbit the core of the LightSphere. These rotating orbs will form all kinds of different patterns when time progresses. Every LightSphere has a different pattern. You can change the color of the LightSpheres with the Color tool. Installing this couldn't be easier. Just move the LightSphere folder into your addons folder and you're ready to go! Changelog: V1.1: Optimizations! Made by Dlaor - Do not reupload! FP: http://www.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=944504
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