Sorry that i had to upload this more that once.
It's not because i want to stay on the front page.
It's because I missed a detail that broke the first person ragdoll view but it's fixed now.
*Fixed Some Multiplayer bugs
*Bullets now ignores the rag morph.
*First person ragdoll view.
*NPC's can now use rag morphs with the new stool.
*Fixed multiplayer support.
*Added a new stool.
*Added option of ragdollphysics effecting player.
*Enter vehicle bug.
*RagMorph stools now have a separate stools category.
*Changed the names on the consolecommands.
*Added server tag.
The video describes pretty much everything.
Console commands:
WobbleCreate- spawns the ragMorph
WobbleFreeze- Freezes the ragMorph
WobbleMenu- Makes the menu pop up
Everything is done by console commands.
I recommend that you bind these console commands to a key.
Example: bind X COMMAND
Replace X with any key and COMMAND with any console command below.
This console command will spawn a ragdoll and paste it on the player.
By default all the ragdoll bones will be stuck on the player.
You will also get a third person view since the ragdoll blocks your view in first person.
If you have a Wobble Man spawned it will freeze it and you will return to first person view.
You may have to use no clip to get out from the Wobble Man ragdoll.
This will also only freeze the bones you have set to mimic the player.
When the Wobble Man is freezed you are free to change the face pose or attach objects on it.
This will make the menu pop up.
If the checkbox is checked it means that the part will mimic the player.
If it is unchecked it means that the body part will move freely.
Set Owner Stool
This addon also comes with a stool.
It's called Set Owner and you will find it in the construction category.
This tool is handy when attaching parts on the ragdoll.
Even if you have nocollided the attached parts with the ragdoll it doesn't mean that they are nocollided with the player.
The parts will be nocollided with the player when using the set owner stool on them.
When you are the "owner" of a part you will be nocollided with it, the Set Owner stool also have some defects.
When you are the owner of a prop you will be unable to touch it with the physgun, to counter this you can un-own it by using secondary fire with the Set Owner stool.